It seems crazy that They Call Me Baba Booey came out in 2010 and I’ve put off reading it until now. It’s fun to remember moments from the show where they mentioned the book, both during the writing process and after the release. They spoke about pictures, cover art, and eventually his book signings. Of course, the one consistent practice throughout all of it was Howard giving him shit about numerous details in the book. One ribbing stands out to me. When the audiobook was released, Howard hyper-focused on the lists of songs that Gary had in the book. Stern…
Tag: howard stern show
Robin Quivers is known for being the most extreme narcissist on The Howard Stern Show. In fact, she notoriously had the highest score when the staff was given a test by Dr. Drew to determine the level of their narcissism –by a fairly long shot. Ever since, it’s been a reoccurring joke on the show. That all sounds pretty bad, but it’s really just a part of her personality that is often overcome by other wonderful traits. Also, her narcissism is clearly connected to some of her strength. As narcissism is often the result of childhood trauma of some kind,…